How To Become A Deacon In The Catholic Church

Interested in becoming a deacon in the Catholic church? The process can seem intimidating, but with this step-by-step guide, we’ll make it easy to get started. You’ll be able to serve your local community and become an integral part of it if you become a deacon.

Here we’ll give an overview of what it means to be a deacon, explain the requirements for candidacy, outline the application process, and tell you about the formation process. No matter what you’re called to do in life or work—find out how to become a Catholic deacon today!

What is a deacon in the Catholic church?

It’s often said that the deacon in the Catholic Church bridges the gap between clergy and laity. He embodies the spirit of service and compassion that makes the Church great. Think of someone who is dedicated and humble, uniquely ordained to help both the spiritual needs and the practical needs of a community.

As ordained ministers, deacons are one of the three major orders of the Church, along with priests and bishops. In Greek, “deacon” means “servant” or “messenger,” so this title captures the essence of deacons’ roles, which are to embody Christ’s message of love in selfless service.

It’s easy to spot a deacon because they usually wear their stole diagonally across their chest, reminding people that Christ is present in the church. They preach the Gospel, sharing the Good News with eloquence and conviction, and help the priest during Mass. But their responsibilities extend beyond the sanctuary as well.

What are the 8 duties of a deacon?

Despite the fact that there are some variations in the duties of a deacon in the Catholic Church, in general, these eight areas constitute most of the duties of a deacon:

Assisting in the Liturgy

Whenever a priest wishes to proclaim the Gospel or deliver a homily (sermon) at Mass, a deacon is always at hand to assist him in there task as well. A deacon may also participate in the distribution of Communion to the faithful in the presence of the priest.

Administering Sacraments

It is also the responsibility of deacons to administer certain sacraments other than the Mass itself, which includes administering some sacraments such as baptism, and to preside over funerals outside of the confines of the Mass.


During Mass or other liturgical services the deacons have been given the privilege of preaching during those services, sharing the Word of God with the people and providing insight into the Scriptures during these services.

Pastoral Care

Among the responsibilities of a deacon are to provide spiritual and emotional support to their parishioners, particularly to the sick, the elderly, and those in need. They can visit the sick, bring communion to the homebound, or counsel those in need.

Catechesis and Education

The role of a deacon usually involves him or her being involved in religious education programs during the course of their service, teaching the faith as well as imparting knowledge of the faith to children as well as to adults and newcomers to the church during their tenure.

Service to the Poor and Vulnerable

By organizing and participating in outreach programs, by caring for the poor and marginalized, and by advocating for social justice systems, the deacons promote social justice and charity.

Assisting in Church Administration

There are times when deacons may be required to take on administrative duties within the parish in order to assist in organizing tasks, managing programs, and assisting in the coordination of various activities within the parish in order to help with the smooth functioning and management of the parish.

Being a Bridge Between the Church and the World

Often times, deacons play the role of bridging the gap between the values of the Church and the secular world surrounding them, serving as a good example of what such values can mean in reality. Through their role as a bridge between the Church and secular world, deacons are also able to connect the faithful to the broader community outside of the Church.

Even so, deacons’ specific roles and responsibilities can vary greatly from one diocese or region to another, and it’s not uncommon for them to be assigned additional duties to cater to the needs of their local communities.

What are the steps to become a Catholic deacon?

Being a Catholic deacon is a unique and fulfilling journey that involves a combination of spiritual, educational, and practical steps. The Catholic Church needs deacons to serve as ministers of Word, Sacrament, and Charity. Here’s how to become one:

Step 1: Discernment and Prayerful Consideration

You can begin by seeking guidance from the priest of your parish, your spiritual director, or a member of the diaconate in order to discern your call to the diaconate. This process involves introspection and asking yourself whether you have a genuine desire to serve God and His Church in this capacity.

Step 2: Meet Basic Requirements

Contact your diocesan office or the religious order responsible for the diaconate program in your area to learn about their specific requirements. Generally, you must be a Catholic male, usually married or celibate, and of a certain age (typically between late 20s to 60s).

Step 3: Marital and Family Preparation

If you are married, your spouse’s support and participation will be crucial. You and your spouse will complete the deacon’s training together, including an understanding of the unique challenges and responsibilities that attach to a deacon’s family life.

Step 4: Formal Application

Upon confirming your call, and after completing the preliminary requirements and submitting a formal application to your diocese or religious order, you will be able to begin the formal process of becoming a candidate for the deaconate.

Step 5: Formation and Education

It usually takes several years for a deacon to be fully qualified. Deacon formation usually involves a combination of academic coursework, theological studies, pastoral training, and personal development. As a diaconate, you will receive practical training in areas such as homiletics, liturgy, counseling, and social justice that are unique to the diaconate.

Step 6: Pastoral Experience

Take part in practical pastoral ministry activities, including hospital visits, prayer services, and assisting at Mass. By gaining hands-on experience as a pastor in these settings, you will be able to develop the skills necessary to be an effective pastor.

Step 7: Canonical and Spiritual Preparation

During your formation process, you will undergo evaluations, discernment retreats, and interviews designed to assess your readiness for ordination. This is a time for you to continue to grow spiritually and personally as you move forward in your preparation.

Step 8: Diaconate Ordination

Upon successful completion of your formation, you’ll be ordained a temporary deacon, which will last approximately a year before you are ordained to the permanent diaconate. During this time in transition, you’ll continue to study and serve the church.

Step 9: Continuing Education

There is a strong need for deacons to engage in lifelong learning. It is imperative that deacons continue their theological and pastoral education after they have been ordained. This will help them remain updated on Church teachings and effectively serve their communities.

Step 10: Active Ministry

During your time as a deacon, you will be involved in a variety of ministries, such as preaching the Gospel, assisting at Mass, administering the sacraments (except Eucharist and Reconciliation), preaching, teaching, and participating in charitable and social justice initiatives.

Step 11: Balancing Ministry and Secular Life

You will often find yourself juggling ministry responsibilities with a secular job during your diaconate years, requiring effective time management and the support of your family and community in order to achieve this.

What are the requirements to become a catholic deacon?

While the requirements to become a catholic deacon can vary slightly from one diocese to another, generally speaking, these are the five criteria that must be met:

Age and Marital Status

As a general rule, candidates for the diaconate are expected to be mature men, often between the ages of 30 and 65. If they are married, they generally need to be in a stable marriage relationship. There may be specific guidelines within some dioceses regarding 

marital status and the length of marriage before being eligible for diaconate service.

Faith and Character

There are certain standards that must be met by those who wish to become deacons, including the ability to demonstrate a mature and robust faith. They must also be able to demonstrate a strong moral character, and they must lead lives in accordance with Catholic teachings, as well as being committed to their own spiritual growth.

Education and Formation

A potential deacon usually undergoes a period of structured educational and formation program. The program includes a combination of theological studies, pastoral training, and spiritual growth, as well as a period of theological studies. Typically, this is a period of preparation that usually lasts for several years, and there is both a practical and an academic component to it as well.

Endorsement from Parish and Community

Many candidates must obtain the support and approval of their parish community and the parish priest. Documentation such as recommendation letters and evaluations from clergy members and other community constituents may be required in order to qualify for this position.

Diocesan Approval and Selection

To become a diaconate candidate, one would need to obtain authorization from their diocese and be chosen to enroll in the diaconate formation program, which includes submitting an application, participating in interviews, and going through an assessment process to determine whether they are suitable to fill the role of the diaconate.

You have to contact your local diocese to get details on the specific guidelines and process in your region if you want to be a Catholic deacon.

What does a deacon do In Catholic church?

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Among the various roles and responsibilities that a deacon plays within the Catholic Church are those that contribute to the spiritual, pastoral, and charitable welfare of the faith community. Here are some of the key roles and responsibilities of a deacon within the faith community:

  • Liturgical Assistance: There are many functions performed by deacons during the liturgical life of the Church. During Mass, they may proclaim the Gospel, deliver homilies (sermons), and lead prayers of the faithful. They also assist the priest in preparing the altar and distributing the Eucharist to the faithful.
  • Sacramental Ministry: In addition to administering some sacraments, deacons are also qualified to perform baptisms, witness marriages, and preside over funeral services outside of Mass. Furthermore, they are qualified to officiate at other liturgical celebrations as well.
  • Preaching and Teaching: Often, deacons are involved in preaching and catechesis. The preacher will read homilies that will offer an insight into the Scriptures and provide spiritual guidance to the congregation. The deacon will also participate in educational programs and contribute to the religious instruction of the parishioners.
  • Pastoral Care: Pastoral outreach is the role of the deacons as they adhere to the pastoral care of the community. They take good care of the sick, the elderly, and the homebound, bringing them spiritual comfort and the sacraments. They may also offer counseling, support, and prayers to those who are experiencing difficulties.
  • Charitable and Social Justice Work: There is no doubt that deacons have a special role in serving those in need, promoting social justice, and serving those in need. Deacons are likely to begin charitable projects, such as feeding the hungry, providing refugee assistance, and advocating for justice in the community.
  • Family and Marriage Ministry: In the context of families and couples, deacons often offer guidance, support, and assistance to the whole family. They might offer marriage preparation programs, counseling, and assistance in strengthening the family unit.
  • Evangelization: The role of the deacons is to assist the Church in spreading the word of the Gospel and evangelize those who are not registered in the Church. The deacons are involved in evangelizing, helping to share the message of Christ with those who may not be affiliated with the Church.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long does it take to become a deacon in the Catholic Church?
    It takes several years to become a deacon in the Catholic Church. It usually takes 4-6 years. Theological studies, pastoral training, spiritual development, and practical experience are all part of it. Once candidates finish the formation, they’re ordained as transitional deacons before becoming permanent deacons, which takes another year or two.
  1. What is deacon candidacy in the Roman Catholic Church?
    As a Roman Catholic, deacon candidacy refers to the first stage of becoming a deacon. Candidates go through training, education, and evaluation during a period of discernment and preparation called “aspirants” or “candidates.” As part of this phase, you study theology, get spiritual formation, get pastoral training, and get assessed for diaconal work. Successful completion of the candidacy leads to ordination as a transitional or permanent deacon.
  1. What is the difference between a priest and a deacon in the Catholic Church?
    The primary difference between priests and deacons in the Catholic Church is their roles and responsibilities. Mass is celebrated, the Eucharist is consecrated, the sacraments are administered, and pastoral leadership is provided by a priest. Deacons, on the other hand, can help in the liturgy by preaching the Gospel, giving homilies, and assisting the priest. However, deacons do not have the full sacramental authority of priests to perform baptisms, witness marriages, or engage in charitable work.
  1. Approximately, how much is a deacon’s salary in the Catholic Church?
    A deacon in the Catholic Church typically does not receive a salary in the same way as a secular job. They typically work as “permanent deacons,” and they focus primarily on ministry, not money. Depending on the diocese and local circumstances, deacons may receive a stipend or allowance to cover travel and materials related to their ministry. Unlike a full-time paid job, the diaconate often requires deacons to work other jobs to support themselves and their families.
