How To Become A Priest

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Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a priest, one of history’s most sacred professions? Getting called to the priesthood isn’t something everyone experiences. It takes a lot of reflection, prayers, and discernment to become a priest.

Even though you might feel intimidated or overwhelmed by serving as a priest in your faith, you don’t have to! We’re going to walk you through the steps to becoming a priest, so you’ll feel confident about your journey. Here’s everything you need to know! 

Exploring Your Call to Priesthood

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When you’re called to the priesthood, you often feel an inner stirring and feel like you have a purpose. Often, the call to the priesthood isn’t a sudden revelation, but rather a gradual process of discernment and self-discovery. In this section, we’re going to dive into all the different ways it can happen.

What to look for if you’re considering priesthood?

Recognizing the signs of a potential vocation to priesthood can be both affirming and transformative. Some common signs include:

  1. Having a deep sense of spiritual fulfillment and helping others.
  2. It’s a natural tendency to pray, worship, and practice religion.
  3. Empathic and compassionate person who cares for others who are in need.
  4. A deep appreciation of the teachings and traditions of their faith and a desire to maintain them in the future.
  5. Being willing to sacrifice personal ambitions for the greater good of the faith community is an important characteristic.

What are the general qualifications required to become a priest?

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Depending on the faith you belong to, you have different qualifications to become a priest. While some qualifications may be common, it’s important to remember that each religion has its own requirements. Below are some general qualifications that cover a lot of religion:

Religious Affiliation

As a general rule, anyone seeking to become a priest must be a member of the particular religious tradition or denomination they wish to serve. Being a devout follower of the faith is fundamental to being a priest.

Celibacy (for some religion)

When a person vows to remain unmarried and abstain from sexual relationships, they are called celibate. Even though it’s not a requirement for all Christian denominations, some religious traditions, particularly in Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and some sects of Buddhism, require priests to take a vow of celibacy in order for them to serve their communities.

Completing Your Bachelor’s Degree

The specific academic requirements for ordination can vary from denomination to denomination, but most denominations require that candidates possess a bachelor’s degree as a minimum qualification, and, depending on the denomination and the seminary, a master’s degree in theology or a related field might also be required. Let’s take a look on some religion:


  • Roman Catholic male baptized and confirmed (note: Women can become deacons in the Catholic Church, but some discussions are ongoing).
  • Before entering a seminary, you’ll need a college degree, usually a Bachelor’s degree, in philosophy or theology.
  • To be a Catholic priest, successful completion of seminary formation, which includes theology, philosophy, spirituality, and pastoral studies is required.

Protestantism (Mainline and Evangelical)

  • Qualifications can vary among different Protestant denominations.
  • Prior to enrolling in a seminary, you may need a bachelor’s degree.
  • Besides theological studies, seminaries teach biblical interpretation, homiletics (preaching), and practical ministry skills.


  • To get into a rabbinical seminary, you need a college degree in Jewish studies or related fields.
  • Pass an intensive course of rabbinical studies, which covers Jewish texts, history, ethics, and pastoral care.


Some Imams opt to pursue a degree in Islamic studies from a madrasa or other Islamic university to gain the necessary knowledge and expertise for their role as spiritual guides. 

Moral Character and Ethics 

Priests are expected to embody high moral character and integrity, acting as role models and moral guides for their community, acting as role models. Those who are in charge of the spiritual well-being of their congregation should conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the values and ethics of their faith. In order for priests and their followers to build trust and respect, integrity and honesty are essential characteristics.

Commitment and Dedication

Often priests are required to give their entire lives to the religious community and to ensure that the members of the community are spiritually well off. A strong commitment to religious service is an essential ingredient in the priest’s position.

Ordination or Rite of Passage 

To become a priest in some religions, priests must undergo a special ritual or ordination ceremony in order to be recognized as a religious leader in their respective communities, which can include consecration, blessing, and the laying of hands by high-ranking clergy.

Knowledge of Sacred Texts

As part of their role as priests, it is expected that you have a thorough understanding of your religion’s sacred texts and scriptures that will allow them to interpret and impart religious teachings effectively to their parishioners.

Communication and Leadership Skills

There has long been a tradition of priests serving as spiritual guides, teachers, and community leaders, and communication skills and leadership qualities are essential to the guidance and support of their congregations.

Acceptance of Doctrines and Tenets

It is important that the candidates for the priesthood are fully willing to embrace the doctrines, tenets, and teachings of their religious tradition without allowing their beliefs to conflict with one another.

Personal Vocation

Traditionally, candidates for the priesthood in most religions are believed to be called to the priesthood by virtue of a sense of vocation or divine calling. In addition, candidates are expected to have a strong desire to serve as a religious leader.

Age Requirements

While not present in all religious traditions, some denominations may have specific age requirements for individuals seeking to enter priestly formation, though this may not be present in all denominations. In most denominations, there is a minimum age requirement for candidates seeking ordination as priests. 

Essentially, this age threshold ensures that candidates have enough life experience and maturity to be capable of handling the responsibilities of the priesthood. Most denominations, however, require candidates to be at least in their early 20s in order for them to qualify for membership in their denomination. 

What is the role of a priest in different religions?

Across various religions, priests play a significant role in guidance and protection of congregations. They act as guides and representatives, acting as spiritual instructors and protectors. Priests are entrusted with a wide variety of responsibilities, including:


Christian priests are ordained ministers who solemnly serve the Church and its members. They perform sacred ceremonies like baptisms, weddings, and funerals that are done according to religious rules. A priest also preaches, guiding and comforting his congregation during worship services. He also provides pastoral care and counseling to those in need.


Kohanim, or priests in Judaism, are descended from ancient Israelites and belong to a priestly class. During services, they lead the congregation in prayer and read from the Torah. They’re spiritual leaders in their community; they make sure faith-based traditions are upheld and respected because they’re descendants of this honored lineage.


As opposed to other religions, Islam clearly defines the role of the religious leader. Instead, Muslim communities are led by imams, who are spiritual guides as well as community leaders. In addition to leading congregational prayers and teaching about the Quran, imams also work to create a sense of unity among their faith community. By doing so, they encourage faith-based growth and development.


Hindu priests are called pandits and brahmins and play a big role in their communities. Their job is to make religious ceremonies, like weddings and funerals, and give spiritual guidance. They also have to make sure their communities understand the Hindu scriptures and their significance.


Buddhists don’t have priests like they do in other religions. Monks and nuns take on that leadership role, providing guidance and direction for their communities instead. Meditation sessions are led by them to help people find inner peace. Buddhist principles, like the Dharma, are taught. They also offer counseling when necessary. Through preaching and teaching, monks and nuns have helped Buddhists gain a deeper understanding of faith and reach higher levels of enlightenment.

What are the steps to become a priest?

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Depending on the religious tradition or denomination you wish to serve, there will be considerable differences in the process of becoming a priest, but following are some general steps that are usually associated with the process:

  1. Affiliate with a Religious Tradition

You should first of all choose a religious tradition or denomination that aligns with your beliefs and values. After you have chosen a commitment to a particular faith tradition, you should become an active member of the community, attending religious services and participating in the group’s activities.

  1. Education and Training

It is not uncommon for religious traditions to require candidates to undergo formal education and training in theology, religious studies, and other relevant fields. This education is usually provided in seminaries, religious schools, and monastic institutions. As you may be aware, if you are applying to a denomination, you may have to obtain a bachelor’s degree, as well as a master’s degree in theology.

  1. Apply for Seminary or Religious Formation

After making a decision to pursue the priesthood as a profession, you need to apply to the Seminary or Religious Formation Program of your religious tradition. Please note that there may be an interview, assessment, and evidence required of your educational background and personal history as part of the application process.

  1. Communal Support and Recommendations

Being a priest relies heavily on faith community support and recommendations. A person’s communal support demonstrates their acceptance and respect by peers, spiritual mentors, and leaders, and affirms their priesthood readiness. 

An endorsement from the faith community indicates that the individual has the qualities and qualifications necessary to fulfill the priesthood responsibilities. The sense of belonging and trust between priests and congregations is a critical part of effective pastoral care and spiritual leadership.

  1. Seminary Studies or Formation

If you’re accepted, your experience will be shaped by rigorous theological studies, spiritual formation, and practical training. During this period, which could last several years, you’ll learn about your religious tradition’s doctrine, scriptures, liturgy, pastoral care, ethics, and spiritual formation.

  1. Ordination Preparation

There will be a time of intense preparation that takes place before your ordination, usually called ordination preparation or ordination retreat. During this phase, you may participate in a number of spiritual exercises, practical training, and a final evaluation of your readiness to become a priest.

  1. Ordination

As soon as you successfully complete the seminary program and meet all of the requirements set forth by your religious tradition, you will be ordained as a priest. As a significant ceremony, the ordination ceremony is usually presided over by a high-ranking clergy member, and involves a number of special rituals and blessings.

  1. Assignment and Service

Upon being ordained, you will be assigned to a particular role or location within your religious institution. Your responsibilities may include leading worship services, performing sacraments, providing spiritual guidance, and supporting the congregation in various ways.

What does a priest do?

Priests have various roles and duties within their religious communities. The specific responsibilities of priests can differ depending on the religion and denomination they belong to. Here are some common functions and duties:

Spiritual Guidance

As the minister of a particular faith, priests serve as spiritual guides and counselors of their congregation. They offer counseling, advice, and comfort to those who are going through personal, emotional, or spiritual difficulties.

Worship Services

As some of you are already aware, priests offer religious services, rituals, and ceremonies, including the mass in the Catholic Church, prayers, and other religious observances.


Several Christian traditions involve priests administering the sacraments of life such as baptisms, holy communions, confessions, confirmations, marriages, a blessing of the sick, and anointings with oil.


To help their followers gain a deeper understanding of the doctrines and texts of their religion, priests often offer religious education, teach scriptures, and offer insights into the texts and doctrines of their faith.

Community Leadership

The priest is generally perceived as one of the most important members of the local religious community, responsible for leading and organizing community events, charitable activities, and community activities.

Pastoral Care

During times of difficulty, priests provide pastoral care and support to individuals and families that are hurting by a variety of causes, such as illness, aging, or financial hardship.

Marriage and Funeral Ceremonies

It is the priests’ role to perform wedding ceremonies and funeral services to assist families and members who are celebrating joyous occasions or mourning the loss of someone dear to them.

Interfaith Relations

Sometimes, priests may take part in interfaith dialogues in order to foster understanding and cooperation between other religious communities and promote a better understanding amongst them.

Religious Rites and Rituals

Religious rites, blessings, and rituals are often performed by priests to mark significant life events, such as house blessings and blessings for special occasions, which are part of the religious beliefs of the church.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How much does a priest make?

The income of a priest can vary depending on factors like their religious denomination, location, congregation size, and responsibilities. Priests often receive a modest salary covering basic living expenses, and some may take a vow of poverty. In Catholic and certain religious orders, priests may not personally own assets. 

  1. What is the difference between a priest and a pastor

The terms “priest” and “pastor” are often used interchangeably, but distinctions exist. Priests are associated with hierarchical, sacramental traditions like the Catholic Church, while pastors are more common in Protestant denominations.

  1. Typically, how long is a priest ordination ceremony

Seminary formation can last from five to thirteen years, depending on a man’s background and the seminary he attends. There are three levels of seminary: high school, college/pre-theology, and theology.

Four types of formation are addressed in seminaries: spiritual, academic (intellectual) and pastoral. Besides academic courses, seminarians are also involved in a full schedule of spiritual activities, including daily mass, Liturgy of the Hours, spiritual direction, and retreats. Each level of seminary training prepares seminarians for pastoral ministry in schools, hospitals, prisons, and parishes. 

  1. How long does it take to become a catholic priest

Becoming a Catholic priest involves education, seminary formation (4-6 years), discernment, ordination as a deacon, and finally ordination as a priest, taking around 6-8 years or more.
